阳一文1 王育晓 1 闫星宇 1 王霞 2.陕西省科技成果转化政策组态效应研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(5):90~100
Research on the Configuration Effect of the Policy for the Transformation of Scientific and Technical Achievements in Shaanxi Province
中文关键词: 科技成果转化;政策工具;组态效应;Nvivo 分析;模糊集定性比较分析
英文关键词: transformation of S&T achievements, policy instruments, configuration effect, Nvivo, fsQCA
基金项目:陕西省科技厅软科学一般项目“陕西科技成果转化政策供给与政策协调的组态效应及优化研究”(2023-CX- RKX-189);国家社会科学基金项目“高校军民融合科技创新生态系统的价值共创机制研究”(19BGL027);2023 年度陕西省哲学社会 科学研究专项“陕西科技成果转化政策供需适配度研究”(2023QN0197)
阳一文1 王育晓 1 闫星宇 1 王霞 2 (1. 西安工业大学经济管理学院,陕西西安 710021
2. 中国建设银行陕西省分行,陕西西安 710002) 
摘要点击次数: 379
全文下载次数: 427
      为促进陕西省科技成果转化的发展,以陕西省 2008—2020 年出台的 36 项科技成果转化政策为样本,采用 Nvivo 分析工具和模糊集定性比较分析法,系统分析影响陕西省科技成果转化的政策条件及其组态效应,提出相应的政 策建议。研究结果表明:(1)影响陕西省科技成果转化的政策工具有 8 个。(2)政策工具组态效应表明:一种政策工 具难以决定科技成果转化效果;财政金融支持政策工具在提高科技成果转化效果上发挥关键作用;财政金融支持政策 工具和科技创新政策工具一般搭配使用。建议未来制定陕西省科技成果转化政策应重视财政金融支持政策工具的使用, 注重政策工具组合使用,重视强化人才培养和政策实施保障政策工具使用的针对性和有效性。
      To promote the development of transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Shaanxi Province, taking 36 relevant policies from 2008 to 2020 as samples, Nvivo analysis tool and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method were used to systematically analyze the policy conditions and configuration effects of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and corresponding policy suggestions were put forward.The results show that: (1)There are eight policy instruments affecting the transformation of S&T achievements in Shaanxi; (2)The configuration effect of policy instruments shows that one policy instrument cannot have an absolute influence on the transformation of S&T achievements; fiscal and financial support policy instruments play an essential part in boosting the transformation effect of S&T achievements; fiscal and financial support policy instruments and S&T innovation policy instruments are generally used together. It is suggested that the future development of Shaanxi Province's scientific and technological achievements transformation policy should emphasize the use of financial and fiscal support policy tools, focus on the combined use of policy tools, and emphasize the strengthening of talent training and policy implementation to ensure the pertinence and effectiveness of the use of policy tools.
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