韩莉娜 李栋亮 谈力 江笑颜.韩国应对半导体产业“卡脖子”难题的策略研究——基于科技风险管理视角[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(5):101~110
South Korea’s Strategy to Deal with the “Stuck Necking” Problem of Semicon- ductor Industry—Based on the Perspective of Scientific and Technical Risk Management
中文关键词: 韩国;半导体;关键核心技术;科技风险;风险管理
英文关键词: South Korea, semiconductor, key and core technologies, scientific and technical risk, risk management
韩莉娜 李栋亮 谈力 江笑颜 (广东省科学技术情报研究所,广东广州 510033) 
摘要点击次数: 271
全文下载次数: 394
      半导体产业作为现代工业的心脏和灵魂,一直是大国科技博弈的主战场。2019 年,日本就芯片制造的相关 原材料对韩国实施了出口管制,给韩国半导体产业“致命”一击,但最终被韩国有效破解。本文基于科技风险管理视 角,构建韩国破解半导体产业“卡脖子”事件的分析框架,梳理分析韩国成功应对的策略体系,总结出韩国突破封锁 的创新模式和四大特征,并借鉴韩国的实践经验,对我国化解核心技术“卡脖子”风险提出启示与建议。
      As the heart and soul of modern industry, the semiconductor industry has always been the main battlefield of the technological game of great powers. In 2019, Japan imposed export controls on South Korea on raw materials related to chip manufacturing, which gave South Korea a “fatal” blow to the semiconductor industry, but was finally effectively cracked by South Korea. Based on the perspective of scientific and technological risk management, the paper systematically constructs an analytical framework for South Korea to crack the “stuck in the neck” incident in the semiconductor industry, comprehensively sorts out and analyzes the successful response strategy system of South Korea, and summarizes the innovative model and four characteristics of South Korea’s breakthrough in the blockade. Finally, based on the practical experience of South Korea, the paper puts forward the enlightenment and suggestions for resolving the risk of “stuck necking” of core technologies in China.
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