平宇栋 王旖琪 方艺润 杨 柳.全球经济衰退背景下北京市国际科技合作面临的问题与对策研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(6):31~38
Research on the Development Problems and Suggestions of Beijing International Scientific and Technical Cooperation under the Background of Global Economic Recession
中文关键词: 北京市国际科技合作;国际科技合作主体;特征分析;合作领域;合作国家
英文关键词: Beijing international science and technology cooperation, subjects of international scientific and technological cooperation, characteristics analysis, areas of cooperation, cooperation country
平宇栋 王旖琪 方艺润 杨 柳 (北京国际科技合作中心(北京港澳台科技合作中心),北京 100080) 
摘要点击次数: 280
全文下载次数: 302
      为了解分析在新时代下的北京市国际科技合作情况,在研究国际科技合作的新形势和新需求的基础上,梳理北 京市 365 家国际科技合作主体的分布与构成、合作领域和合作方式、合作方等方面的现状和进展,得出北京市国际科技合 作的特征,并结合调研情况,总结北京市开展国际科技合作在统计监测、层次质量、国际影响力、人才队伍建设、疫情影 响等方面存在的问题,在重点任务、提高参与程度、推进科技成果转移和转化、强化人才队伍建设等方面提出对策建议。
      In order to analyze the situation of Beijing international science and technology cooperation in the new era, this report studies the new situation and new demand of international science and technology cooperation, sorts out the current status and progress of the distribution and composition, cooperation fields, cooperation modes and partners of 365 international science and technology cooperation subjects in Beijing, and obtains the current characteristics of Beijing international science and technology. Based on the characteristics of the current status and combined with the investigation, this report summarizes the problems of Beijing’s international science and technology cooperation in the aspects of statistics and monitoring, quality of levels, international influence, construction of talent team, the epidemic, etc. It puts forward suggestions on key tasks, improving participation, promoting the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and strengthening the construction of talent teams.
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