毛一雷 曹 燕 李琳珊 孙 洁.基于指标检索的科技查新服务模式探析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(6):62~71
Research on the Service Mode of Novelty Search Based on Index Retrieval
中文关键词: 科技查新;指标检索;情报服务;查新服务;精准检索
英文关键词: novelty search, index retrieval, intelligence service, novelty search service, accurate search
毛一雷 曹 燕 李琳珊 孙 洁 (中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038) 
摘要点击次数: 290
全文下载次数: 279
      针对当前科技查新工作在支撑科技决策和产业创新过程中存在的经验化、被动化等问题,将指标检索的理念 引入现有科技查新过程中,为当前科技查新工作的转型升级提供参考。围绕指标查新与传统查新在流程上的区别,梳 理并明确指标查新的内涵及特征,通过对底层数据的采集、组织建立起“资源—信息—知识—情报”的完整服务链条, 构建以指标检索为基础,包含需求感知层、查新资源层、方法工具层和产品服务层的科技查新服务新模式,实现传统 经验驱动下的查新服务向精准型、主动型查新服务转变。
      In view of the problems of empiricism and passivization in novelty search in supporting decision- making and industrial innovation, the concept of index retrieval is introduced into the existing novelty search process, so as to provide some references for the transformation and upgrading of novelty search. Focusing on the difference between index retrieval and traditional novelty search, this paper sorts out and clarifies the connotation and characteristics of index retrieval. Through the collection and organization of underlying data, this paper establishes a complete service chain of “resource-information-knowledge-intelligence”, and constructs a new novelty search service model based on index retrieval, including demand perception layer, novelty search resource layer, method and tool layer, product and service layer. On this basis, a service mode of novelty search based on index retrieval has been constructed, and the transformation of novelty search driven by experience to accurate and active also has been realized.
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