李旭东1, 2 李克贵 1, 2 梅 伟 1, 2 高冉晖 1 蒋 婧 1, 2 白凤娟 1, 2.企业研发管理体系建设的特征分析和对策研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(6):72~82,91
Characteristic Analysis and Countermeasure Research for the Construction of Enterprise R&D Management System
中文关键词: 企业研发管理体系;企业研发机构;专家评价;管理创新;创新能力;高质量研发机构
英文关键词: enterprise R&D management system, enterprise R&D institutions, expert evaluation, management innovation, innovation capacity, high quality R&D institutions
李旭东1, 2 李克贵 1, 2 梅 伟 1, 2 高冉晖 1 蒋 婧 1, 2 白凤娟 1, 2 (1. 江苏省科学技术情报研究所,江苏南京 210042
2. 江苏省企业研发机构促进会,江苏南京 210042) 
摘要点击次数: 280
全文下载次数: 1111
      健全的研发管理体系是企业自主创新的“软实力”,是强化企业科技创新主体地位的重要途径。基于 121 家 江苏省企业的专家评价数据,系统分析建有国家级、省级、市级及以下层级研发机构企业的研发管理体系建设特征。 研究表明:建有不同层级研发机构企业的研发体系建设具有较大差异,但研发管理体系建设得完善与否并不取决于企 业的层级;建有不同层级研发机构企业均需在研发战略、研发过程,以及管理策划、知识和信息管理、研发策划、研 发评审、绩效评价等方面加强和提升。基于此,分别从政府和企业两个层面提出加快研发管理体系建设的对策建议。
      A sound R&D management system is the “soft power” of independent innovation for enterprises, and is an important way to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation. Based on expert evaluation data from 121 Jiangsu enterprises, this article systematically analyzes the characteristics of the R&D management system construction of enterprises with national, provincial, municipal and lower level R&D institutions; Research has shown that there are significant differences in the construction of R&D systems among enterprises with R&D institutions at different levels, but the completeness of R&D management system construction does not depend on the level of the enterprises; Enterprises with R&D institutions at different levels need to strengthen and improve their research and development strategies, processes, management planning, knowledge and information management, R&D planning, R&D reviews, and performance evaluations. At the same time, this article also proposes countermeasures and suggestions for the government and enterprises to accelerate the construction of R&D management system.
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