杨传喜1, 2 梁慧楠 1.农业科技资源配置效率与农业高质量发展耦合协调研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2023,(6):83~91
Research on the Coupling and Coordination of Agricultural Science and Technology Resource Allocation Efficiency and Agricultural High-quality Development
中文关键词: 农业科技资源配置效率;农业高质量发展;耦合协调模型;相对发展模型
英文关键词: efficiency of agricultural science and technology resource allocation, high-quality development of agriculture, coupling coordination model, relative development model
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“农业科技资源配置优化助推农业高质量发展的作用机理、效应识别及实现路径研究 (72264008);广西哲学社会规划研究课题一般项目“农业科技资源配置与农业高质量发展的耦合机制及实现路径研究”(23BGL003)
杨传喜1, 2 梁慧楠 1 (1. 桂林理工大学商学院,广西桂林 541004
2. 桂林旅游学院商学院,广西桂林 541006) 
摘要点击次数: 303
全文下载次数: 580
      农业科技资源配置优化可助推农业高质发展。运用超效率 DEA 模型、熵值法、相对发展模型和耦合协调模 型,对 2010—2019 年 30 个省份(不含西藏及港澳台)的农业科技资源配置效率系统与农业高质量发展系统的耦合协 调情况进行研究。结果表明:农业科技资源配置效率与农业高质量发展耦合协调度呈上升趋势,囿于农业高质量发展 滞后,两系统处于低度磨合状态;区域间两系统耦合协调度基本呈现东部>西部>东北部>中部的特征;北京、上海、 福建等地已进入两系统低度协调发展阶段,北京和上海有望率先实现两系统高度协调的目标。为此,提出加强农业全 产业链建设、引导农业科技资源向农业高质量发展滞后地区流动等对策建议。
      The optimization of agricultural science and technology (S&T) resource allocation can promote the high-quality development of agriculture. The super-efficiency DEA model, entropy method, relative development model and coupling coordination model were used to study the coupling and coordination of agricultural S&T resource allocation efficiency system and agricultural high-quality development system in 30 provinces (municipalities and districts) from 2010 to 2019. The results show that, the coupling and coordination degree of agricultural S&T resource allocation efficiency and high-quality agricultural development is on the rise, and the two systems are in a low-level running-in state due to the lag of high-quality agricultural development .The coupling and coordination degree of the two systems between regions basically shows the characteristics of eastern>western> northeast > central. Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian and other places have taken the lead in entering the stage of low-coordinated development of the two systems, Beijing and Shanghai are expected to take the lead in achieving the goal of high coordination between the two systems. To this end, countermeasures and suggestions such as strengthening the construction of the entire agricultural industry chain and guiding the flow of agricultural S&T resources to areas where the high-quality development of agriculture lags behind.
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