Correlation Analysis between Urban Science and Technology Resources AllocationAbility and Economic Development in China
中文关键词: 城市;科技创新;资源配置;经济发展;城镇化效率
英文关键词: urban, science-technology innovation, resource allocation, economic development, efficiency of urbanization
基金项目:中国博士后科学基金第 54 批面上项目“以城市创新提升城镇化发展效率研究”(2013M541114);国家前瞻性课题 “我国城市创新资源分布与区域科技发展战略研究”(2013GXS6K205)。
陈诗波 (中国科学技术发展战略研究院,北京 100038) 
摘要点击次数: 1127
全文下载次数: 759
      以全国288个地级以上城市为研究对象,对我国城市科技资源配置能力及其与经济发展水平和城镇化率进行 了相关性分析。研究结论显示:我国城市科技资源综合配置能力总体上呈现东部向中、西部递减的阶梯状分布特征; 城市科技资源配置能力对于城市经济发展水平及城镇化率的提升具有显著的正向相关性。当前我国东部沿海发达城 市在科技和经济发展之间已形成了一种良性循环,而中西部城市在科技和经济发展之间正陷入一种恶性循环。对此提 出,一要研究制定国家创新型城市建设专项规划,对不同类型城市科技创新进行分类指导;二要鼓励多角度开展创新 型城市试点,形成各具特色的创新发展模式;三要积极推动城市群内部的合理分工与协同创新;四要加大对欠发达地 区城市科技人才引进和培育的政策倾斜。
      The thesis takes 288 cities at prefecture level and above in China as the research object, and analyzes the correlation among the ability of urban science and technology resources allocation ,the level of urban economic development level and its urbanization rate. The research results show that the comprehensive allocation ability of urban science and technology resources in China presents the step characteristics of gradual decrease from the East to the Middle and West; and the ability of urban science and technology resources allocation has significant positive correlation to the level of urban economic development and the promotion of urbanization rate. At present, the developed cities on the east coast in China have formed a virtuous cycle between science and technology and economic development, while the middle-western cities are falling into a vicious circle between science and technology and economic development. In this regard, one is to study and formulate a special plan for the construction of national innovative city, which provides classified guidance for science and technology innovation in different types of cities; two is to encourage multi-angles innovative city pilot to form innovative development patterns with various characteristics; the three is to actively promote the internal rational division and collaborative innovation within the urban agglomeration; and four is to strengthen policy support for the introduction and cultivation of science and technology talents
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