Analysis and Countermeasures for the Development Situation of Chinese Scienceand Technology Museum
中文关键词: 科技馆;展陈方式;展品研发;体验实验;科普
英文关键词: exhibition of science and technology museum, exhibition, research and development experience experiment, science popularization
邱成利 (科学技术部,北京 100862) 
摘要点击次数: 1194
全文下载次数: 1019
      科技馆是科技资源的重要组成部分,对普及科学知识提供了主要场所,对提高公众科学素质发挥了重要作 用。文章分析我国科技馆的发展现状,指出发展中存在的问题,提出相应的发展对策。认为,适应互联网技术广泛应 用带来的机遇与挑战,正视中国科技馆发展的短板,增强展品研发、作品创作、影片制作、科普讲解能力,实现中国 科技馆从科学传播型向研究传播型转变,是丰富科技资源的重要内容,也是中国科技馆今后发展的重要方向。
      The science museum is an important part of science and technology resources. China’s science and technology museum has entered a period of rapid development, which has provided a major place for the popularization of scientific knowledge and played an important role in improving the quality of public science. However, compared with the science and technology museum in the developed countries, the Chinese science and technology museum is not so good. This article analyzes development situation in our country, points out problems in development in it, and puts forward corresponding development countermeasure. So it considers, to adapt the opportunities and challenges in the Internet technology used widely and face squarely short slab in the development of science and technology museum, by enhancing exhibits R&D, product creation, film production, and popular science explanation ability, that realizes China science and technology museum from the science communication model to study propagation model transformation, is an important part of the rich resources of science and technology, also is the important direction of China’s science and technology museum in the future.
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