黎江峰 1,2 沈体雁 1,2.基于区块链构建数据共享体系 ——以城市文明诚信积分体系为例[J].中国科技资源导刊,2020,(5):63~77,110
基于区块链构建数据共享体系 ——以城市文明诚信积分体系为例
Construct Data Sharing System Based on Blockchain——Take the Integral System of Chinese Urban Civilization and Integrity as an Example
中文关键词: 城市文明诚信积分;城市治理;区块链;联盟链;智慧平台;数据共享
英文关键词: integral system of urban civilization and integrity, urban governance, blockchain, alliance-chain, intelligent platform, data sharing
基金项目:国家重点研发计划“现代服务业共性服务关键技术研发及应用示范”重点专项“跨平台服务信用管理技术研究” (2019YFB1404600);国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国产业集群地图系统(CCM)建设与应用研究”(17ZDA055);国家自然科学 基金重大项目“我国产业集聚演进与新动能培育发展研究”(71733001)。
黎江峰 1,2 沈体雁 1,2 (1.北京大学政府管理学院,北京 100871;2.北京大学城市治理研究院,北京 100871) 
摘要点击次数: 942
全文下载次数: 708
      城市是社会信用体系建设的核心区和主战场,“城市文明诚信积分”制度是中国特色城市信用制度的重要构 件。目前我国城市文明诚信积分体系仍然处在各自为政、相互分割的“信用孤岛”阶段,这就在很大程度上制约了我国 城市文明建设和城市治理现代化进程。区块链等新一代信息技术为建立全国统一的城市文明诚信积分体系提供了重要 的技术手段。本文将利用联盟链等区块链技术,以城市文明诚信积分体系为例,在分析我国城市文明诚信积分体系现 状与问题的基础上,构建全国统一的城市文明诚信积分体系,为探索基于城市文明诚信积分的中国特色城市治理体系 提供科学支撑。
      The social credit system construction is becoming more and more important in Chinese urban governance processes, and the Integral System of Urban Civilization and Integrity (UCIIS) is one of the key components of urban social credit system with Chinese characteristics. Up to now China’s UCIIS is still in the stage of “credit island” which is separated from each other in all cities and departments, thus to a large extent restricting the process of urban civilization construction and urban governance modernization. Blockchain and other new generation information technologies provide an important opportunity for the establishment of a unified UCIIS. Based on the analysis of the current situation and problems of UCIIS in China, this paper puts forward the overall idea, platform framework, index system, integration algorithm, application scenarios and safeguard measures to build a national level unified UCIIS based on the blockchain technologies such as alliance-chain, so as to provide scientific support for exploring the modern urban governance system with Chinese characteristics based on UCIIS.
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