Co-integration Analysis on the Relation of the Ability of Independent Innovation and Input-outputof Science-technology in China’s High-tech Industry
中文关键词: 高技术产业;自主创新能力;协整分析;Grainger 因果检验
英文关键词: high-tech industry, ability of independent innovation, cointegration analysis, grainger causality test
基金项目:安徽省科技厅软科学研究项目“合肥经济圈科技服务发展竞争力综合评价研究”(10030503055);教育部社科研究基金 青年项目“中国排污权初始分配、交易效率与区域补偿研究”(11YJC790191);安徽建筑工业学院建筑经济与房地产管理研究中心招 标项目“建筑能耗统计绩效评价及其长效运行机制研究”(JF2012-09)。
彭志胜 安徽建筑工业学院管理学院,安徽合肥 230601 
摘要点击次数: 2396
全文下载次数: 2781
      利用1995-2009年我国高技术产业的科技要素投入及产出数据,分别从自主创新能力的实物形态和价值形 态两个纬度出发,采用协整分析方法对高技术产业自主创新能力与相关科技投入产出的长期均衡关系进行了分析。通 过分析发现,从实物形态看,我国高技术产业自主创新能力与研发人员和研发经费投入存在长期均衡关系,特别受研 发人员投入变化的影响较大;从价值形态看,自主创新能力与研发经费投入之间存在长期均衡关系;Granger 因果检验 表明科技投入变化与自主创新能力提升存在互动关系,而实物形态自主创新能力与价值形态的自主创新能力的变化之 间不存在因果关系。针对上述结论,本文提出提升我国高技术产业自主创新能力的建议措施。
      The use of input-output data of the science-technology in China’s high-tech industry in1995-2009 years, from two angle of physical form and form of the value of the ability of independent innovation, the paper analyzed the relation of the ability of independent innovation and relevant input-output of science-technology in China’s hightech industry based on cointegration analysis. Through the analysis, the paper found China’s high-tech industry exists long-run equilibrium relationship in the ability of independent innovation and R&D personnel input, research expenditure from physical form and especially the ability of independent innovation was larger affected by the R & D personnel input changes; the paper found China's high-tech industry exists long-run equilibrium relationship in the ability of independent innovation and research expenditure; Grainger causality test showed that China’s hightech industry exists interactive relationship in input changes of science-technology and the ability improvement of independent innovation, but don’t exist causal relationship between changes of physical form and form of the value of the ability of independent innovation. According to the above conclusion, the paper proposed measures to improve the ability of independent innovation in China’s high-tech industry.
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