泮通天.标准组织知识产权策略分析: 必要专利和技术标准的均衡[J].中国科技资源导刊,2016,(2):21~26
标准组织知识产权策略分析: 必要专利和技术标准的均衡
Analysis of Intellectual Property Rights Strategy Within a Standards Organization:The Balance Between Essential Patents and Technical Standards
中文关键词: 知识产权策略;必要专利;标准组织;合理无歧视原则;信息披露公开
英文关键词: intellectual property rights strategy, essential patent, technical standard, standards organization, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory Principle, information disclosure
基金项目:浙江省软科学研究计划项目“提升地方应用型高校专利产业化实效性研究——基于浙江省高校与企业的调研” (2014C35041)。
泮通天 台州职业技术学院台州经济研究所,浙江台州 318000 
摘要点击次数: 1733
全文下载次数: 2041
      为了消除必要专利与技术标准之间的利益冲突,标准组织通常遵循合理无歧视原则、专利权免费原则以及 非排外原则制定均衡的知识产权策略,吸引所有利益相关者参与技术标准化的过程。文章在辨析必要专利和技术标准 关系的基础上,对合理无歧视原则的合理性和无歧视性展开研究,探讨单个必要专利合理许可、多个必要专利总体合 理许可、许可费合理核算以及全供应链无歧视许可等要点。最后建议在信息披露公开和承诺公开的前提下应寻求专利 权人合理无歧视许可的承诺。
      Aiming to eliminate the conflicts of interest between essential patents and technical standards, a standards organization usually follows the principles of reasonable and non-discriminatory, royalty-free, and non-exclusive to develop a well-balanced balancing of intellectual property rights strategy, which can attract all stakeholders involved in the technical standardization process. Based on the analysis of the relationship between essential patents and technical standards, this article studies the rationality and the discriminatory for the principle of reasonable and non-discriminatory. Several key points are discussed, including reasonable licensing of a single essential patent, aggregate reasonable licensing of multiple essential patents, reasonable evaluation of the license fee and non-discriminatory licensing for a whole supply chain. Finally, the article suggests that, reasonable and non-discriminatory licensing commitments should be sought based on the open information disclosure and the open commitment.
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