闫星宇1 王育晓 1, 2, 3 许文青 1.科技成果转化政策系统协同度分析——以秦创原为例[J].中国科技资源导刊,2024,(4):39~50
Analysis of the Synergistic Degree of S&T Achievements Transformation Policies—The Case of Qinchuangyuan
中文关键词: 科技成果转化;政策系统;协同度;有序度;秦创原
英文关键词: transformation of S&T achievements, policy system, synergy degree, orderliness degree, Qinchuangyuan
基金项目:陕西省科技厅软科学项目“陕西科技成果转化政策供给与政策协调的组态效应及优化研究”(2023-CX-RKX-189); 西安市科技局 2023“双中心”建设软科学研究专题项目“科技成果就地转化政策成效及案例分析研究”(24RKYJZT0001);陕西省教 育厅科研计划青年创新团队项目“双重业绩期望落差对陕西省‘民参军’企业风险承担的影响及能力建设研究”(22JP030)
闫星宇1 王育晓 1, 2, 3 许文青 1 (1. 西安工业大学经济管理学院,陕西西安 710021
2. 陕西省兵工科技创新发展软科学研究基地,陕西西安 710021
3. 陕西高校军民融合科技创新研究中心,陕西西安 710021) 
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全文下载次数: 156
      Based on the synergy theory, this paper constructs a policy system synergy model from the perspective of ‘policy goal - policy formulation body - policy implementation body’ and based on the quantitative data of policy texts. Taking the 741 policies issued by Shaanxi provincial level, Xi'an municipal level and county (district) level to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Xi'an as examples, we calculate the degree of order of each sub-system and derive the degree of synergy of the policy system accordingly.The findings of the research reveal that the development of the synergy degree of Qinchuangyuan's policy system for promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Xi'an is at a medium level, and the fluctuation of the degree of order of the sub-systems is large, and the synergy mechanism of the policy system for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements needs to be improved. Based on this, three suggestions are proposed to promote the development of transformation of scientific and technological achievements.
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