Multi radio packet scheduling for real time packet traffic on general link layer
中文关键词: 通用链路层(GLL), 多接入分组调度, 调度效用函数, 神经网络
英文关键词: general link layer (GLL), multi radio packet scheduling, scheduling utility, neural network
基金项目:973计划(2007CB310601)和国家科技重大专项(2009ZX03004 001)资助项目
崔扬 哈尔滨工业大学通信技术研究所 
徐玉滨 哈尔滨工业大学通信技术研究所 
许荣庆 哈尔滨工业大学通信技术研究所 
沙学军 哈尔滨工业大学通信技术研究所 
丁哲 哈尔滨工业大学通信技术研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3081
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      提出了一个能够为在通用链路层(GLL)上的实时分组业务提供QoS保障的多接入分组调度算法。首先设计了一个目标是在保障实时业务QoS的同时避免资源浪费的调度效用函数,该函数表示将一个用户数据包调度到一个无线接入链路上进行传输所带来的效用;其次在这个调度函数的基础之上兼顾了公平性,建立一个多接入分组调度模型,值得注意的是该模型是一个NP问题;最后利用Hopfield 神经网络来快速有效地为这个调度模型找出优化解。仿真结果表明,与M LWDF和PLR等典型算法相比,该算法在高系统负载的情况下能够满足实时分组的时延要求,同时提高了频谱效率并降低了丢包率及时延抖动。
      In this paper a multi radio packet scheduling algorithm, called the QU algorithm, is presented to guarantee the QoS for the RT (real time) traffic on the general link layer. The main contributions of this study are as follows: Firstly, with the purpose of guaranteeing RT traffic’ QoS and avoiding wasting radio resources, a scheduling utility function was developed to represent the utility of executing a packet scheduling; Secondly, using this utility function, a multi radio packet scheduling model was established and analyzed based on joint consideration of fairness; Thirdly, the Hopfield neural network was used to fast calculate an optimal solution of this scheduling model. The simulation results show that, compared with M LWDF and PLR algorithms, the QU algorithm has the higher spectrum efficiency, lower packet loss ratio and can delay variation while meeting allowable average packet delay under high load.
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