林盈盈* **,董红召*,郝伟娜*.城市车联网中公交VANET的连通性估算方法[J].高技术通讯(中文),2022,32(10):1017~1024
A connectivity estimation method for bus-VANET of urban connected vehicle
中文关键词: 智能交通; 连通性; 双斜率路径损耗模型; 间歇性车流; 公交车载自组织网络(VANET); 公交专用道
英文关键词: intelligent transportation, connectivity, dual-slope path loss model, intermittent traffic flow, bus-vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET), dedicated bus lane
林盈盈* ** (*浙江工业大学机械工程学院杭州 310014) (**浙江开放大学工程教研部杭州 310014) 
董红召* (*浙江工业大学机械工程学院杭州 310014) (**浙江开放大学工程教研部杭州 310014) 
郝伟娜* (*浙江工业大学机械工程学院杭州 310014) (**浙江开放大学工程教研部杭州 310014) 
摘要点击次数: 1068
全文下载次数: 637
      To estimate the communication performance including connectivity, transmission delay and communication duration of vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) with bus as auxiliary relay node in urban connected vehicle, a connection probability model of bus-VANET is presented.The regional vehicle density is used to represent the intermittent interruption characteristics of urban traffic flow, the influence of antenna height and dedicated bus lane strategy on bus communication ability and driving law is considered, the dual-slope path loss model and probability analysis method are cited, the direct connection relationship between any two vehicles is established according to whether a bus node is included. Then, the communication performance under the strategy of dedicated bus lane and the measure that uses buses to construct the mobile backbone network with the help of heterogeneous network is analyzed. The simulation results show that the connection probability of bus-VANET under low regional traffic density and longnode-distance is significantly higher than that in no bus scenario, especially when the number of lanes is small or the bus departure interval is small, and the transmission delay and topology stability have also been improved.
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