李莉莉*,周建二* **,李清**,段经璞* **,王志强***.蜂窝移动网络拥塞控制机制研究综述[J].高技术通讯(中文),2022,32(10):1036~1048
A survey of congestion control mechanisms in cellular networks
中文关键词: 蜂窝网络; 5G 拥塞控制; 网络特征; 算法分类
英文关键词: cellular network, 5th generation mobile communication congestion control, feature of network, algorithm classification
李莉莉* (*南方科技大学未来网络研究院深圳 518055) (**鹏城实验室深圳 518055) (***清华大学深圳研究生院深圳 518057) 
周建二* ** (*南方科技大学未来网络研究院深圳 518055) (**鹏城实验室深圳 518055) (***清华大学深圳研究生院深圳 518057) 
李清** (*南方科技大学未来网络研究院深圳 518055) (**鹏城实验室深圳 518055) (***清华大学深圳研究生院深圳 518057) 
段经璞* ** (*南方科技大学未来网络研究院深圳 518055) (**鹏城实验室深圳 518055) (***清华大学深圳研究生院深圳 518057) 
王志强*** (*南方科技大学未来网络研究院深圳 518055) (**鹏城实验室深圳 518055) (***清华大学深圳研究生院深圳 518057) 
摘要点击次数: 1298
全文下载次数: 1455
      Network congestion control is the basis for ensuring reliable and fair network services. The upgrading of 5G networks in terms of networking architecture, network performance, and service requirements poses new challenges to network congestion control. In view of the characteristics of the 5G, researchers have proposed a variety of network congestion algorithms. This paper first analyzes the characteristics of the 5G from the aspects of the overall framework of the 5G , the key technologies of the 5G, the commonly used models and deployment conditions of the cellular network, and so on. Then it introduces traditional congestion control algorithms and analyzes their limitations in 5G cellular networks. According to the features of the 5G, the congestion control algorithms for the cellular network are classified and analyzed. Finally, the potential new optimization directions for congestion control algorithms in 5G networks are discussed.
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