LIU Yang(刘洋),HE Jinglin,WANG Bin,ZHANG Yuzhi.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2023,29(3):288~294
Design of two-dimensional spatially coupled LDPC codes for combating burst erasures
DOI:10. 3772/ j. issn. 1006-6748. 2023. 03. 007
英文关键词: burst erasure channel, SC-LDPC code, density evolution, decoding performance
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Yang(刘洋) (College of Communication and Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, P. R. China) (Xi’an Key Laboratory of Network Convergence Communication, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, P. R. China) 
HE Jinglin  
WANG Bin  
ZHANG Yuzhi  
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      Spatially-coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes are prominent candidates for future communication standards due to their ‘threshold saturation’ properties. However, when facing burst erasures, the decoding process will stop and the decoding performances will dramatically degrade.To improve the ability of burst erasure corrections, this paper proposes a two-dimensional SCLDPC (2D-SC-LDPC) codes constructed by parallelly connecting two asymmetric SC-LDPC coupled chains for resistance to burst erasures. Density evolution algorithm is presented to evaluate the asymptotic performances against burst erasures, by which the maximum correctable burst erasure length can be computed. The analysis results show that the maximum correctable burst erasure lengths of the proposed 2D-SC-LDPC codes are much larger than the SC-LDPC codes and the asymmetric SC-LDPC codes. Finite-length performance simulation results of the 2D-SC-LDPC codes over the burst erasure channel confirm the excellent asymptotic performances.
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