王善科 于 珈.当前地方高校协同创新与协同育人的路径探析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2015,(6):23~28
Discuss for the Local University‘ s Ways of Collaborative Innovation and Education
中文关键词: 地方高校;协同创新;整合资源;盲人路径选择
英文关键词: local colleges and universities, collaborative innovation, resource integration, education ways choice
王善科 于 珈 1.天津农学院 校长办公室,天津 300384;2.科学技术部科技人才交流开发服务中心,北京 100045 
摘要点击次数: 1646
全文下载次数: 1777
      经济新常态背景下,地方高校面临生源紧缺、就业形势更加严峻等一系列挑战,同时也面临高等教育综合 改革的新机遇,地方高校要主动适应新形势,把握机遇,科学谋划,拓展办学思路,提升事业发展能力。文章以天津 农学院为例,从内部协同到外部协同,对地方高校推进协同创新、协同育人、加快事业发展路径进行探讨,指出地方高 校要勇于开放、整合多方资源;优化管理机制,提升管理档次与水平;政府有限介入,做好各创新主体的服务配套工 作;培育协同文化,营造合作共赢氛围。
      Under the background of new economy, local colleges and universities face a series of challenges, such as shortage of students, employment situation, and the new opportunity of higher education comprehensive reform. Local colleges should take the initiative to adapt to the new situation, seize the opportunity, scientific planning, expand the school running ideas, and promote the development of the enterprise. Taking Tianjin Agricultural University as example, this article aims to discuss the path of promoting collaborative innovation and accelerating the development from the internal synergy to external coordination. It also points out that the local colleges and universities should have the courage to bring forth new ideas, to integrate multiple resources, to optimize the management system, and to promote the management quality and level; that the government should intervene limitedly and do a good job of supporting service for all the innovative subjects; and that the society should foster collaborative culture in order to create a win-win cooperation atmosphere.
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