高 骞 1 胡广伟 2 林 辉 3 杨金龙 2.电力大数据价值链及其价值创造模式研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2020,(1):6~13,34
Analysis on the Value Chain and Value Creation Models of Power Big Data
中文关键词: 智能电网;电力大数据;价值链;价值创造;互联网+
英文关键词: smart grids, power big data, value chain, value creation, internet+
基金项目:国网江苏省电力公司管理咨询项目“能源互联网时代的电力大数据统计指标甄选及应用研究”(SGTYHT/14- WT-214);国家自然科学基金面上项目“电子政务服务价值共创机制及实现模式实证研究”(71573117);江苏省“六大人才高峰”项 目“政务大数据资源开发技术与实现方法研究”(2015-XXRJ-001)。
高 骞 1 胡广伟 2 林 辉 3 杨金龙 2 (1.国网江苏省电力公司,江苏南京 210024;2.南京大学信息管理学院,江苏南京 210023; 3.南京大学商学院,江苏南京 210093) 
摘要点击次数: 1298
全文下载次数: 1492
      梳理电力大数据的来源,研究其价值链、价值创造过程及价值创造模式,以推进电力大数据价值在电力电 网企业内部、外部的应用与转化。应用价值链理论,结合电力大数据的来源与价值分类,对其价值生成的各个环节进 行讨论,研究电力大数据的价值创造过程与模式。构建电力大数据的四维价值分类体系,提出电力价值链模型,明确 电力大数据价值的创造过程与创造模式。
      The study aims to examine the source, value chain, value creation process and models of the power big data, which might be helpful for improving the application and conversion of value from both the internal and external perspectives of electric power enterprises. Based on the analyzing of the source and value classification, the study establishes the power big data value chain, discusses its value creation process and models with the help of the value chain theory. This study builds a 4-dimensional value classification system of power big data as well as proposes its value chain, in which way the value creation process and value creation models are figured out. This study might be useful for promoting the participants of the power big data value chain to innovate the value creation mode and mechanism in a sustainable way.
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