余吉安,杨斌.ERP 项目推进与变革资源管理…[J].中国科技资源导刊,2010,(6):55~61
ERP 项目推进与变革资源管理…
Reform Management in the Process of ERP implementation
中文关键词: ERP;资源管理;企业资源规划
英文关键词: ERP, resource managemen, Enterprise Resource Planning
余吉安,杨斌 清华大学经济管理学院,北京 100084 
摘要点击次数: 2846
全文下载次数: 3564
      ERP 是企业资源管理的e 化,ERP 项目的推进本质上也是变革和重塑企业资源管理的过程。国内企业实施 ERP 失败的比例居高不下,其原因与对ERP 这一本质认识不清及资源管理的辅助工作不够密切相关。在回顾ERP 成功实 施的相关研究和案例、综合前人研究成果的基础上,把ERP 的实施看作企业变革资源管理的过程,认为ERP 实施过程中 的资源管理变革由变革主体、变革内容、变革方式、变革阻力4 个要件构成,阐明ERP 实施的基本原则、流程,确定相 应的组织安排,并从组织优化和人员调整的组织资源管理方面提出措施建议。
      ERP is electronization of enterprise resource management and ERP project promotion is also a process of changing and remodeling enterprise resource management. The reasons of a high-rate failure to implement ERP in domestic enterprises can be attributed to an unclear understanding of the nature of ERP and auxiliary work being not enough. This article reviews related researches and cases about successful implementation of ERP, synthesizes predecessors’ studies, and considers the implementation of ERP as the process of the enterprise changing resource management. This article holds that reform of resource management in the ERP implementation process consists of four key elements made of reform subjects, contents, patterns and resistances, explains the basic principles and process of ERP implementation and advances corresponding resources organization and arrangement, and brings out corresponding measures of organization optimization and personnel adjustment.
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