阳镇 李烜 朱广屹 陈默浪.广西科技投入与经济增长相关性的实证分析 ——来自1991—2013 年的证据[J].中国科技资源导刊,2015,(4):87~95
广西科技投入与经济增长相关性的实证分析 ——来自1991—2013 年的证据
The Empirical Analysis of the Correlation between S & T Input and EconomicGrowth of Guangxi—Evidence from 1991-2013
中文关键词: 科技投入;科技经费;科技人员;经济增长;VAR模型
英文关键词: government investment in science and technology, science and technology funds, science and technology personnel; economic growth, VAR model
基金项目:2015年广西高校大学生创新项目“影响因素与模式选择:高校图书馆知识治理问题研究”(201510608052);四川省大 学生创业创新项目“征信系统是否能提升我国市场交易中的诚信与信任水平”(201510651002)
阳镇 李烜 朱广屹 陈默浪 1.广西民族大学管理学院,广西南宁 530006;2.西南财经大学证券与期货学院,四川成都 611130; 
摘要点击次数: 2295
全文下载次数: 2185
      科技投入是科技创新的主要动力,是欠发达地区经济转型发展的内生动力。文章以广西为例,运用协整 检验以及基于VAR模型的格兰杰因果关系检验和脉冲响应等计量方法对广西科技投入与经济增长的相关数据进行实 证分析。研究结果表明:科技人员对广西经济增长的影响作用较小;经济增长是科技经费使用与科技人员的格兰杰原 因,科技人员是科技经费使用的格兰杰原因;发现经济增长对科技经费使用与科技人员冲击的响应一直保持较低的持 续的正向的加速运动,但是科技经费使用与科技人员对经济增长存在一个短期的滞后效应;进一步说明科技投入不能 有效推动经济增长的原因。在此基础上提出相应的理论建议,为经济欠发达地区改善科技投入环境提供参考。
      Investment in science and technology is the main power of its innovation, and one is the endogenous driving force of the development of the underdeveloped region's economic transformation. Taking Guangxi as an example in this paper, the S&T investement and Economic Growth commences Empirical Analysis by cointegration test, Granger causality test based on the VAR model and impulse response measurement methods. The results show that the technology personnel less impactes on the economic growth in Guangxi, economic growth is the Granger reason of the S&T funds use and S&T personnel, S&T personnel is Granger reason to the S&T funds use, economic growth in technology spending and technology impact response has kept a low continuous positive accelerated motion, but funds use of science and technology and technical personnel for economic growth has the hysteresis effect of a short-term, and further illustrates the investment in science and technology can't effectively promote the cause of the economic growth in Guangxi. Based on this, advances the corresponding theoretical advice, improve the environment of investment in science and technology for economic less-developed areas to provide the important reference.
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