江俊鹏 赵 捷.美国PubMed Central平台资源开放获取的版权管理[J].中国科技资源导刊,2018,(2):28~33
美国PubMed Central平台资源开放获取的版权管理
Research on the Copyright Information Management of Open Access of USA PubMed Central
中文关键词: 开放获取;版权信息管理;资源服务平台;PubMed Central
英文关键词: open access, copyright information management, resource service platform, PubMed Central
江俊鹏 赵 捷 中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038 
摘要点击次数: 1806
全文下载次数: 1436
      版权信息管理是平台长效发展的重要支撑,通过梳理国外平台的版权信息管理办法,了解国外大型平台的 版权管理经验。以PubMed Central平台为例,从平台的资源类型、资源流通环节等角度,分析平台在其中的版权管理办 法。研究发现,该平台注重对不同资源的版权信息的采集、揭示以及服务过程中的权益保障。目前国内平台的建设存 在一定的版权问题,因此,国内开放获取平台进行版权信息管理时,应该加强版权信息的采集、注重文献服务的版权 揭示。
      Copyright information management is an important support for long-term development of the platform. By combing copyright information management practices of foreign platforms this paper understands the copyright management experience of large foreign platforms. Taking PubMed Central platform as an example, this paper analyzes the PubMed Central platform's copyright management methods from the aspects of resource type and resource circulation of PubMed Central platform. The study found that the PubMed Central platform focuses on the collection and disclosure of copyright information of different resources and the protection of rights and interests in the service process. At present, the construction of domestic platform has some copyright issues. Therefore, when the domestic open access platform manages the copyright information, it is necessary to strengthen the collection of copyright information and pay attention to the disclosure of the copyright of document service.
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