王贤慧 闫 峰 杜廷霞.山东省“十二五”期间研发人员与经费配置分析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2018,(5):35~41,63
Analysis of R&D Sci-Tech Personnel and Funds Allocation During the TwelfthFive-Year Plan in Shandong Province
中文关键词: 研发科技人员;研发人员配置;研发人力投入;人才生态环境
英文关键词: R&D scientist and technician, R&D personnel allocation, R&D personnel input, talent ecological environment
王贤慧 闫 峰 杜廷霞 (山东省科技统计分析研究中心,山东济南 250101) 
摘要点击次数: 1196
全文下载次数: 831
      文章分析了山东省“十二五”期间研发科技人员的规模结构、行业分布、地区差异以及经费投入等方面的现 状,指出山东省研发人员与先进省市学历结构等方面的差距。进一步分析了在研发科技人员的结构布局欠合理,研发 科技人员配置中存在的主要问题。最后提出构建科学的科技人才激励体制、加强科技人才队伍建设、加大基础研究与 应用研究研发科技人员的投入力度以及协调地区间的平衡等对策建议,以期优化研发科技人员配置,为提升山东省科 技创新能力和经济社会的发展提供更强大的人才支撑。
      This paper analyzes the situation include that allocation of development of scientific and technical personnel, the investment, industry distribution, structure type, regional differences in Shandong Province during the "12th Five-Year Plan" period. According to the detailed and accurate statistics, it is pointed out that there are gaps on academic structure of R&D personnel between Shandong and the advanced provinces , and R&D scientist and technician structure distribution is not reasonable, R&D scientists and technicians have echelon distribution in 17 cities and other objective problems. Finally, it proposes to build a scientific incentive system for scientists and technicians, and strengthen the construction of scientists and technicians, increase the input of R&D scientists in basic research and application research, and coordinate the balance among regions to optimizing the allocation of R&D scientists. All these proposals will provide more powerful personnel support to upgrade capabilities of scientific and technological innovation and economic social development of Shandong province.
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