赵 贤 乔 振 李树强 张 瑜.山东省科学数据管理的问卷调查分析[J].中国科技资源导刊,2020,(2):77~82,89
Questionnaire Survey of Scientific Data Management in Shandong Province
中文关键词: 科学数据;科学数据管理;制度建设;数据管理平台;山东省
英文关键词: scientific data, scientific data management, institutional construction, data management platform, Shandong province
基金项目:山东省软科学研究计划项目“山东省省级科学数据现状与管理对策研究”(2018RKB02003);山东省 2019 年度中央引 导地方科技发展专项资金项目“科学数据中心研究与建设”(YDZX20193700003971)。
赵 贤 乔 振 李树强 张 瑜 (山东省科学技术情报研究院,山东济南 250121) 
摘要点击次数: 1127
全文下载次数: 648
      在对山东省气象、地震、水利、国土资源、卫生健康、农业等部门和行业进行调研的基础上,分析山东省 科学数据管理现状,梳理存在的问题,对加强山东省科学数据工作提出建议。通过问卷和座谈等调研得到如下结果: 山东省各部门、领域科学数据管理参差不齐,气象、地震等已逐步建立并完善科学数据管理,但普遍存在科学数据管 理制度缺失、经费保障不足、对外服务能力不足等问题。针对共性问题提出强化顶层设计、建立统一科学数据管理平 台等对策建议。
      By investigating meteorological, earthquake, water conservancy, land and resources, health, agriculture and other departments and industries in Shandong province, the paper studies the current situation of scientific data management, sorts out the relevant problems, and puts forward pertinent countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the scientific data work in Shandong province. Questionnaires are designed and distributed, and field discussions are conducted. The results show that the scientific data management in various departments and fields are uneven. Meteorology and earthquake have gradually established and improved the scientific data management. However, there are many problems such as the lack of scientific data management system, insufficient funds and insufficient external service ability. Finally, suggestions on strengthening the top-level design and establishing a unified data management platform are put forward according to the common problems.
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