王大伟 郑 佳 傅俊英 熊书玲.基于专利分析的人工智能技术发展态势研究[J].中国科技资源导刊,2022,(2):46~54
Research on the Development Trend of Artificial Intelligence Technology Based on Patent Analysis
中文关键词: 人工智能;专利分析;Innography专利数据库;人工智能技术发展;区域分析
英文关键词: artificial intelligence, patent analysis, Innography, artificial intelligence technology development, regional analysis
基金项目:中央级公益科研院所基本科研业务专项资金项目“基于专利数据的认知智能核心技术发展研究”(QN2021-02)和 “科技驱动碳达峰碳中和的关键技术脱碳成本研究”(ZD2021-20)。
王大伟 郑 佳 傅俊英 熊书玲 (中国科学技术信息研究所,北京 100038) 
摘要点击次数: 671
全文下载次数: 1128
      人工智能技术作为引领新一代科技革命的前沿性、战略性力量,已被广泛应用于生物医药、机器人、能 源、材料、自动驾驶等众多跨学科领域,并形成了多个研究分支。本文对Innography专利数据库收录的相关专利数据进 行挖掘分析,并从专利及专利家族的申请及授权年度趋势、专利技术来源地域、专利技术目标市场地域、专利分类体 系分布以及研究机构的角度,分析人工智能技术的发展态势、最新突破以及技术布局情况等。研究发现:中国人工智 能研究始于1985年,从2007年进入快速增长期,目前美国是最主要的人工智能技术来源国和目标市场,研究机构以企 业为主,但在通用技术方面的布局仍需加强。
      As a cutting-edge and strategic force leading the new generation of scientific and technical revolution, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in many interdisciplinary fields such as biomedicine, robotics, energy, materials and automatic driving, and has formed many research branches. By mining and analyzing the relevant patent data collected by Innography patent analysis platform, this paper analyzes the development situation, latest breakthrough and technical layout of artificial intelligence technology from the perspective of annual trend of application and grant of patents and patent families, source region of patent technology, target market region of patent technology, distribution of patent classification and research institutions. The study concludes that China’s AI research began in 1985 and has entered a rapid growth period since 2007. At present, China and the United States are the main source countries and target markets of AI technology. The research institutions are mainly enterprises, but the layout of general AI technology still needs to be strengthened.
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