Yu Haizheng (于海征),Ma Jianfeng.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2011,17(1):52~56
Graph-based single-copy routing in delay tolerant networks
英文关键词: delay tolerant network(DTN), message, single-copy, routing, graph
Author NameAffiliation
Yu Haizheng (于海征)  
Ma Jianfeng  
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      This paper presents a new graph-based single-copy routing method in delay tolerant networks (DTN). With time goes on in the networks, a DTN connectivity graph is constituted with mobility of nodes and communication, and a corresponding greedy tree is obtained using a greedy algorithm in DTN connectivity graph. While there are some bad nodes such as disabled nodes or selfish nodes in delay tolerant networks, the nodes can choose the next proper intermediate node to transmit the message by comparing the location of neighboring nodes in the greedy tree. The single-copy routing method is very appropriate for energy-constrained, storage-constrained and bandwidth-constrained applications such as mobile wireless DTN networks. We show that delivery ratio is increased significantly by using the graph-based single-copy routing when bad nodes exist.
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