Yang Keming (杨可明),Wang Libo,Zhang Tao,Qian Xiaoli,Wang Linwei,Liu Shiwen.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2013,19(2):156~161
Novel modeling on numerical computing the geo-deformation information in coalmine based on the GIS-Excel
英文关键词: numerical simulation, mining subsidence, fast Langrangian analysis of continua in 3 dimensions (FLAC3D) modeling, geo-deformation information, geographic information system (GIS)
Author NameAffiliation
Yang Keming (杨可明)  
Wang Libo  
Zhang Tao  
Qian Xiaoli  
Wang Linwei  
Liu Shiwen  
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      Numerical simulation modeling is a hotspot in the geological engineering computing field. Taking a fast Langrangian analysis of continua in 3 dimensions (FLAC3D) numerical modeling on computing the geo-deformation information caused by the mining subsidence in a coalmine for example, a new GIS-Excel modeling method is proposed to build geologic strata within the simulation range combined with the coal-seam dip angle of the underground mining working-planes. First of all, the coal-seam model of the numerical computing is built by using the geographic information system (GIS) according to the stripe-through principle and the calculating formula on the size of the model blocks in the paper defined, then the FLAC3D numerical computing model of all geologic strata within the simulation range is also built based on the calculating formula of thickness of each stratum and the Excel fast computing advantages. The GIS-Excel method is good at the higher modeling accuracy, seldom making mistakes and consuming less time. The reliability and validity of the method is verified well by its practical applications in the coalmine area.
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