Zhang He (张赫),Zhao Jie,Liu Yubin,Chen Fu.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2013,19(4):406~412
The HITCR-I: Evaluation on a free gait generation methodfor the hexapod robot on irregular terrain
英文关键词: robotics, hexapod robot, irregular terrain walking, free gait, gait pattern transition
Author NameAffiliation
Zhang He (张赫)  
Zhao Jie  
Liu Yubin  
Chen Fu  
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      The purpose of this paper is to present and evaluate a method of free gait generation for HITCR-I, a hexapod walking robot. The HITCR-I is designed as a modularized structure of legs that is based upon a four-bar linkage mechanism and with force sensors in the tip of legs, distributed hardware structure and a modular software structure of the control system. Based on a set of local rules between adjacent legs, finite state machine (FSM) model is built to control the coordination of legs. An automatic smooth transition of gait pattern is achieved through deriving the mathematical relation between gait pattern and locomotion parameters. The disordered inter-leg phase sequence is adjusted to a regular state smoothly and quickly by the local rules based FSM, and the gait pattern can transform automatically adapting to irregular terrain. The experiment on HITCR-I has demonstrated that it can walk through irregular terrain reliably and expeditiously with the free gait controller designed in this paper.
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