Shi Junjie (师俊杰),Sun Dajun,Lv Yunfei,Lan Hualin,Mei Jidan.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2014,20(3):223~229
Study on the influence of the subsurface buoy’s vibration on the vector sensor due to ocean current
英文关键词: subsurface buoy system, vector sensor, ocean current, neutral buoy
Author NameAffiliation
Shi Junjie (师俊杰)  
Sun Dajun  
Lv Yunfei  
Lan Hualin  
Mei Jidan  
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Download times: 724
      Subsurface buoy systems, especially equipped with the vector sensor, have more and more extensive applications in military and civilian regions. However, their acoustic performances are constrained by the vibration resulting from the unavoidable ocean current in some degree. The influence of such vibrations is quantitatively analyzed by means of modeling the simplified models of two deployment configurations involving the positive buoyant buoy and neutral buoy system.The corresponding formulas are deduced respectively for the deployment configuration buoy systems in the motion state firstly. Then the simulation software is developed and some numerical simulations are put up via the Runge-Kutta method. The simulation results and theoretical analysis indicate that the neutral buoy will be an excellent design protocol in engineering application in comparison with the positive buoyant buoy.
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