Lei Jingtao (雷静桃),Yu Huangying,Wu Zhizheng.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2014,20(3):288~294
Analysis on pivot turning of quadruped robot with bionic flexible body driven by the PAMs
英文关键词: quadruped robot, bionic flexible body, pivot turning, pneumatic artificial muscle(PAM)
Author NameAffiliation
Lei Jingtao (雷静桃)  
Yu Huangying  
Wu Zhizheng  
Hits: 954
Download times: 734
      The pivot turning function of quadruped bionic robots can improve their mobility in unstructured environment. A kind of bionic flexible body mechanism for quadruped robot was proposed in this paper, which is composed of one bionic spine and four pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs). The coordinated movement of the bionic flexible body and the leg mechanism can achieve pivot turning gait. First, the pivot turning gait planning of quadruped robot was analyzed, and the coordinated movement sequence chart of pivot turning was presented. Then the kinematics modeling of leg side swing and body bending for pivot turning was derived, which should meet the condition of the coordinated movement between bionic flexible body and leg mechanism. The PAM experiment was conducted to analyze its contraction characteristic. The study on pivot turning of the quadruped robot will lay a theoretical foundation for the further research on dynamic walking stability of the quadruped robot in unstructured environment.
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