Wang Yonggong (王永功)* **,Xie Gaogang*.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2015,21(2):155~161
A self-organized locator obtaining method driven by local minima
英文关键词: greedy routing, locator, self-organized, local minimum, topology
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Yonggong (王永功)* **  
Xie Gaogang*  
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      The scalability of routing architectures for large networks is one of the biggest challenges that the Internet faces today. Greedy routing, in which each node is assigned a locator used as a distance metric, recently received increased attention from researchers and is considered as a potential solution for scalable routing. In this paper, LMD — a local minimum driven method is proposed to compute the topology-based locator. To eliminate the negative effect of the “quasi” greedy property—transfer routes longer than the shortest routes, a two-stage routing strategy is introduced, which combines the greedy routing with source routing. The greedy routing path discovered and compressed in the first stage is then used by the following source-routing stage. Through extensive evaluations, based on synthetic topologies as well as on a snapshot of the real Internet AS (autonomous system) topology, it is shown that LMD guarantees 100% delivery rate on large networks with low stretch.
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