Huang Xiujin(黄秀金),He Lidong,Wang Cai.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2015,21(2):239~243
Research on suppress vibration of rotor misalignment with shear viscous damper
英文关键词: shear viscous damper, misalignment, rotor system, vibration control
Author NameAffiliation
Huang Xiujin(黄秀金)  
He Lidong  
Wang Cai  
Hits: 958
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      A new type of shear viscous damper for rotating machinery is designed. The new damper with good stability and reliability can inhibit all kinds of frequency multiplication vibration caused by misalignment in the condition of non-stop machine. It analyzes and discusses the use of the shear viscous damper for misalignment vibration response inhibition with a finite element method, and experiments are extensively carried out with a laboratory test rig. Both the simulation and experimental results basically agree well in that, the damper can effectively control the misalignment vibration of the rotor system and improves the stability of the entire rotor system. Experimental results show the amplitude of one time running speed component decreases by 30%, and the two time running speed vibration has been basically eliminated.
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