Cao Youqiang (曹友强),Deng Zhaoxiang,Zhang Yu,Chen Dexin.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2015,21(4):414~421
Analysis and active control of low frequency booming noise in car
英文关键词: interior booming noise, smart constrained layer damping (SCLD), adaptive active control system, active control
Author NameAffiliation
Cao Youqiang (曹友强)  
Deng Zhaoxiang  
Zhang Yu  
Chen Dexin  
Hits: 975
Download times: 880
      For Lightweight body, sound radiation and sound insulation performance have negative effects on interior noise by the deterioration of local stiffness and modality. So the research on the active control of vibration and noise for car body panels is useful for engineering. Analysis and active control of booming noise in car is researched by using a new active damping vibration reduction technology named smart constrained layer damping (SCLD). According to the vibration characters of body roof, an optimal placement of actuators is distributed. Based on dSPACE hardware in loop environment, an adaptive active control system is designed. Selecting vibration signals of engine mounting point as the reference input of adaptive controller, an active control experiment of booming noise for mini-car is carried out. Experimental results show that , when the engine speed is at 3700RPM and 4250RPM, the interior booming noise decreases 4.2dB(A), and 3.5dB(A) separately. It proposes new methods and techniques for intelligent control of car body NVH in the future.
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