Ma Songhua (马嵩华),Tian Ling.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2016,22(3):273~281
Concurrent processes scheduling with scarce resources in small and medium enterprises
英文关键词: concurrent processes scheduling, resource constraint, precedence constraint, timing workflow net (TWF-net), genetic algorithm (GA)
Author NameAffiliation
Ma Songhua (马嵩华)  
Tian Ling  
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      Scarce resources, precedence and non-determined time-lag are three constraints commonly found in small and medium manufacturing enterprises (SMEs), which are deemed to block the application of workflow management system (WfMS). To tackle this problem, a workflow scheduling approach is proposed based on timing workflow net (TWF-net) and genetic algorithm (GA). The workflow is modelled in a form of TWF-net in favour of process simulation and resource conflict checking. After simplifying and reconstructing the set of workflow instance, the conflict resolution problem is transformed into a resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP), which could be efficiently solved by a heuristic method, such as GA. Finally, problems of various sizes are utilized to test the performance of the proposed algorithm and to compare it with first-come-first-served (FCFS) strategy. The evaluation demonstrates that the proposed method is an overwhelming and effective approach for scheduling the concurrent processes with precedence and resource constraints.
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