Liu Yuzhe (刘宇哲),Wu Jun,Wang Liping,Zhao Jingshan,Wang Jinsong,Yu Guang.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2017,23(2):131~140
A novel symmetrical 3-DOF PKM and its performance comparison with 3-PRS PKM
英文关键词: comparison study, parallel kinematic manipulator(PKM), kinematics, velocity, error
Author NameAffiliation
Liu Yuzhe (刘宇哲)  
Wu Jun  
Wang Liping  
Zhao Jingshan  
Wang Jinsong  
Yu Guang  
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      A novel symmetrical 3-degree-of-freedom (DOF) parallel kinematic manipulator (PKM) is firstly presented, which is named 3-P (Qu) RU. According to the structure feature, a double closed loop vector method is proposed to investigate this PKM.Based on this method, kinematic, velocity and error models of this manipulator are established respectively. Since3-PRS PKM has been applied successfully in practice and its structure is similar to the 3-P (Qu) RU PKM, corresponding models of a 3-PRS PKM are given and a performance comparison study between them is investigated on workspace, manipulator dexterity, position error and error sensitivity. The comparison results reveal that the 3-P (Qu) RU PKM has the advantage on velocity performance and the disadvantage on accuracy performance. This novel 3-P (Qu) RU PKM is an available selection for a tool head of a hybrid machine tool and the analysis is greatly helpful for the further applications of this manipulator.
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