Song Huijin (宋慧瑾),Yan Qiang,Dong Zhihong,Guo Wei,Tang Yirong.[J].高技术通讯(英文),2017,23(3):330~336
Structure design of gradient hard coatings on YG8 and their residual stress analysis by ANSYS
英文关键词: gradient coating, ANSYS, residual stress, hard coatings
Author NameAffiliation
Song Huijin (宋慧瑾)  
Yan Qiang  
Dong Zhihong  
Guo Wei  
Tang Yirong  
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      A structure of gradient hard coatings (Ti, TiN, TiCN and TiAlN) is designed, and residual stress is simulated by a finite element method with ANSYS. The influence of the realistic situation including load and temperature on the residual stress of the coatings is investigated. Simulated results show that the realistic situation strongly affects the residual stress. To be specific, i) The main residual stress concentrates on the coatings prepared on YG8 substrate, and the residual stress and its gradient of the coatings are bigger than that of the substrate; ii) TiAlN and TiCN coatings have better resistance compression than that of TiN coatings in the same condition; iii) The improved multilayer structure of the gradient hard coatings produces weaker residual stress but higher anti-pressure of the substrate.
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